Days Between Stations
In a world of cataclysm and unraveled time, a young woman's face, a misbegotten childhood in a Parisian brothel, and the fragment of a lost movie masterpiece are the only clues in a man's search for his past. That journey takes him from a Los Angeles where freeways are buried in sand to a Europe where the Seine is frozen, bicyclers race in the empty canals of Venice, and forbidden secrets intercut like the frames of a film.
"Daring, haunting, sensual. Steve Erickson has that rare and luminous gift for reporting back from the nocturnal side of reality." Thomas Pynchon
"The landscape is fabulous, and the lovers who travel through it are drunk on their own eroticism." New York Times Book Review
"There isn't a risk that Steve Erickson hasn't taken in this novel. One gets the feeling that he's laid everything on the line." Los Angeles Times
"One of the most brilliant of contemporary novelists. His work may require a category all its own." Bomb
"A revelation. Original, accomplished and totally seductive. Comparisons to anything else in literature seem somehow simplistic. All fail ultimately to catch the spirit of a book that runs frissons of excitement and expectation up the spine of the reader on virtually every page." Q
"Breathtaking, as vivid and evocative as Ballard, and spookily erotic." Time Out
"The only authentic American surrealist." Greil Marcus